Awards (Research)
Best Full Conference Paper Award, NICOGPRAH, Japan, 2023
for the paper: High-Low Tech Ombro-Cinéma: Rethinking Narratives in Interaction Design by Re-inventing an Obsolete Animation Device.
Special Recognitions for Reviewing ACM CSCW 2023
The “Special Recognition” received. “The Chairs and Associate Chairs for CHI Papers have the option of granting a limited number of "special recognitions" to those who do one or more exceptional reviews” (from the SIGCHI review system website; not open to public).
Special Recognitions for Reviewing ACM ISS 2023
Finalist Images of Research 2016, City University of London
for the effective presentation of the work ’Fair Use Portraits’ in a single image.
Special Recognitions for Reviewing ACM SIGCHI 2015
Semifinalist The ACM SPLASH Student Research Competition 2012
Mostly-strongly-timed programming
Best Paper Nominee The Sound and Music Computing Conference 2012
LCSynth: A Strongly-timed Synthesis Language that Integrates Objects and Manipulations for Mi- crosounds
The Third Place Prize The ACM SPLASH Student Research Competition 2011
Misfits in Abstractions: Toward User-centered Design in Domain-specific Languages for End-user Programming
MITOH Super Creator Information Processing Promotion Agency, Japan: The MITOH Program 2010
Outstanding progress during the (MITOU) program is given the title of honor “Super Creator”.(
Semifinalist The ACM SIGGRAPH Student Research Competition 2010
A Shape-free Designable 6DoF Marker Tracking Method
Semifinalist The ACM SIGPLAN/PLDI Student Research Competition 2008
MiniSynth: Yet-another Domain-specific Computer Music Sound Synthesis LanguageSemifinalist The ACM SIGGRAPH Student Research Competition 2007
DXRenderFarm: Xgrid-based renderfarm for Maya
Awards (Computer Music/Media Art)
Prize, Monster Exhibition 2023, Japan.
Q's Views #1-#3.Winner, The 1st Leonardo Art/Science Student Contest, 2008
Oberhausen Requiem.Prize in Performance Art Section, Digital Content Award, Asiagraph 2008
Tre MariePrize in Performance Art Section, Digital Content Award, Asiagraph 2008
Oberhausen RequiemPrize in Electronic Music Section, Digital Content Award, Asiagraph 2008
Seattle Noise and Pulse Study
Prize in Electronic Music Section, Digital Content Award, Asiagraph 2008
Minimalism X
The Motus Prize, The Contemporary Computer Music Concert (CCMC) 2008, L’Atelier de Création Sonore et Musicale 116 (ACSM 116), The Chief Jury: Dennis Dufour
Self-Portrait of My Life
Winner, The Mono@Gasometer Competition, DEGEM (Deutche Gesellschaft Fur Elektroakustische Musik), 2007
Oberhausen Requiem